Positive Musings

Your thoughts, words, and actions matter.

Let me help you navigate this big beautiful and messy world by heightening your celebrations and

lessening your sorrows through a positive focus.

Positive Mindset


I recently visited the Baha’i Temple just outside of Chicago. I’ve driven by it dozens of times and seen it from the water, but this

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Positive Mindset

Sending LOVE

Today’s positive musings are simple and can be challenging if you hold on tight to hurt.   My motto is to LOVE without condition. My

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Walking with…

A week ago, another tragedy hit, another mass shooting killing 19 4th graders and two teachers. There is the war in Ukraine, global warming, and

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Positive Mindset

Asking for a favor

Will you do me a favor?   Take a moment right now and put everything aside.   Step 1: Close your eyes and put your

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Positive Mindset

Making Memories

  Do you go about your day thinking that you are making memories? Did you know that your thoughts, words, and actions create precious memories

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Positive Mindset

What Is It?

  What is it that you want in your life? Do you want more LOVE in your life? Do you want more kindness and compassion

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Positive Mindset

Who Are You?

  I am a big baseball fan for those who don’t know me well. Specifically, I am a St. Louis Cardinal fan. I’m excited that

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Releasing Fear


Bravery shows up differently for each of us.   If getting out of bed is a brave thing you do today. I see you.  

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Hugging You

 This beautiful and messy world is sure a lot these days. War, COVID, racism, unrest, and climate issues are just a few things that might

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Positive Mindset


When it hits the 40s and dare, I say 50 in Chicago, that means – Spring is in the air! Windows are open, fresh air

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