Positive Musings

Your thoughts, words, and actions matter.

Let me help you navigate this big beautiful and messy world by heightening your celebrations and

lessening your sorrows through a positive focus.

Positive Mindset

A gentle reminder

A gentle reminder: Someone is saying hello at the beginning of a LOVED one’s life. Someone is saying goodbye at the end of a LOVED

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Positive Mindset

Rising Above It

Today was a heavy day with what is going on in Ukraine, and other places in the world and within the US. While my heart

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Positive Mindset

Say what?

  What did you say? Did you really say that to yourself? Whew, our self-talk can be toxic. It’s certainly something that I stay conscious

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Get Creating
Positive Mindset

Get Creating

Did you know that you are a powerful creator? Yes, YOU! Do you consider yourself creative? I see many people who don’t feel creative because they don’t

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Positive Mindset

It’s New

Happy February! We’re a month into 2022, AND it’s the Chinese New Year. While I LOVE January 1st as a fresh start, I LOVE looking

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Positive Mindset

First Off

What is holding you back? Do you have a daily to-do list that would require a week to accomplish? Are you passionate about something but

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Positive Mindset

It’s time to live

Are you LIVING the dream? Are you living? Or are you simply alive?   I was thinking about the differences between being alive and living.

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Positive Mindset

Rise and SHINE

Welcome to 2022!   Did you create resolutions? I’m not a big resolution creator as I don’t know that I’ve ever gone the entire year

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Desmond Tutu Quotes

On Sunday, the world lost an amazing man – Desmond Tutu, and I lost a man who changed my world. I’ve shared his importance in my

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