My Choices

Choosing LOVE, kindness, compassion,

and peace seems simple right?

I believe most of us want to be more LOVING, kind, compassionate, and peaceful, and yet many of us turn to fight, flight, or freeze when the messiness in life shows up.


We hear of a tragedy occurring and often go straight into blame, shame, complain and worry – often without even knowing all the facts.

We want to the right that wrong immediately, and those responsible to ‘pay for their actions so we can feel safe and secure in our world.


I can certainly knee-jerk into reacting from fear rather than responding from a place of LOVE when tragedy and injustice occur. Then, I take a deep breath, and I ask myself, ‘who do I want to BE in this now moment.’? I FEEL what I need to feel, and then I move forward to respond from LOVE.


​I certainly believe in the consequences of actions. I also believe in looking at the reasons for the actions to learn from them, heal from them, and begin to create positive solutions, so we don’t further fan the fear flames that show up as anger, violence, hate, and so on.


Life offers us choices, some easy, some hard. We could focus on the tragedies and the injustices that occur, or we can choose to focus on LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace in our personal lives and the lives of others. It is easy to focus on the tragedies the world faces. Yet, with intention and awareness, we can choose to bring these qualities to the tragedy, to the injustice as we begin to create a world that is LOVING, KIND, COMPASSIONATE, AND PEACEFUL for all simply because I AM.


Who do you want to show up as in the world? BE that.

​That is why the I AM program was born, to offer LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace as we heal and move forward. When you hear of a tragedy, rather than fueling the fire with ‘how could their thoughts, words, and actions send LOVE. Begin to think, speak, and act from creating the world you WANT to live in rather than the world you don’t want. Who do you want to show up as in the world?


Let us choose to bring LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace.

Let’s choose LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace in the simplest of times so that it is anchored within us and we can draw from when we are faced with deep adversity.


Let us choose to uplift others rather than tear them down.

Let us choose to help rather than hinder.

Let us choose to collaborate rather than compete.

Let us choose to rise to the energy of LOVE rather than fall to the energy of fear.

Let us choose to show up as our best selves during celebration, sorrow, and conflict.

Let us choose to be gentle with ourselves and each other when fear seems to take over our thoughts, words, and actions. Allow fear to visit; don’t invite it to move in.


Let us think, speak, act in ways that will nurture the world we seek to live in.

This is what I choose to practice daily. Some days it’s easy and almost on autopilot. Some days it’s hard, and I have to dig deep to get there while being gentle with myself when I step into the fear of blame, shame, and complain.

I want to be an example of a LOVING, kind, compassionate, and peaceful world, and therefore. I AM.








What will you choose?


Big ((HUGS)) and much LOVE
Positive Focus Founder and CEO

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