I’m Waiting

What is it you are waiting for? A new job, home, relationship, healthy body, or something else? I’ve indeed found myself in that situation – waiting for it to happen, waiting for something to happen. I’m in it right now. I’m waiting to hear news about a big opportunity, and it’s down to the wire.


Sometimes the waiting game can be exciting. When it is going to happen, there is a particular mystery around it. And yet, the waiting game often brings us into a space of not-enoughness. We are focused on what we currently don’t have in our life – the thing/person/experience we are waiting on.


So, when I catch myself focusing on what I don’t have, and trust me, my focus goes there, I remind myself to step back into gratitude, laughter, fun, and joy. Being in a space of gratitude, laughter, fun, and joy truly helps bring about what I want. It doesn’t mean I don’t feel the impatience of ‘when is it going to happen,’ as I do! It does mean that I feel what I need to feel and then step toward feeling how I want to feel – how I want to feel when what I am waiting for happens.


Moving forward, whether you are waiting for the right job, home, partner, finances, or anything else that would enhance your life, I encourage you to wait by:


Feeling your feels. Disappointment, frustration, or impatience are not wrong. It’s normal to feel that when you are waiting for something you want. Feel it, and step into gratitude. Feel it again, and step back into gratitude.



Placing yourself in the experience you want to happen. If it’s a relationship you want, visualize being in the relationship. Imagine what it will feel, look, and be like if it’s a new or different job. Experience it in your heart first and then allow that to bring it forth. BIG CAVEAT – What you visualize for the future, your visualization MUST feel attainable. If you imagine starting your own business and yet most of your focus is on the hardships of being a business owner, you are slowing down the process. If you visualize a healthy and happy romantic relationship, yet your thoughts go to the fact that most of your relationships have not been healthy, you are slowing down the process. What you desire desires you, but you are slowing down the process with thoughts of not being worthy of your desire.


So, as you visualize and fear or doubt bubble up, use that information to refocus. That dream of the ultimate job or relationship is out there for you, and it will come quicker when you visualize things that excite you, encourage you, and make you feel like you are soaring. If doubt frequently shows up in your wants, please focus on that dream in a way that works for you. Shift your visualization to a step along the journey rather than the end destination.


Affirm that you are worthy of what you are waiting for. And just like visualizing, you want your affirmations to be believable.


I am worthy of owning my own successful and thriving business. (Yes or No). If this affirmation elicits a yes, fantastic – journey on! No? Please change it to I am in the process of feeling worthy of having a thriving business.


I am worthy of a healthy and happy romantic partnership. (Yes or No). Yes – WooHoo! No? I am in the process of feeling worthy of a healthy and happy romantic partnership.


Get the picture? If fear or doubt bubbles up, step back a step or two and build your deservability muscles.


Knowing what you are waiting for might turn out differently than what you had been expecting. The business, the job, the romantic partner – may come in a different package than what you expected, and that’s okay. The importance is how you will FEEL with the new successful business, the new job, and the relationship of your dreams.


Remembering, when you affirm and visualize your desires to come true, you add in ‘for the highest good of all involved.’ When other people are involved in the manifestation, we can only control our part of it, so I encourage you to keep focusing on how you what to FEEL as you continue on your journey. Many of my dreams have come true, and some still need to. And on my best or most challenging days, I focus on showing up in this world the way I want my world to be.


Waiting can be fun. Waiting can be hard. Regardless of where you are, life is precious and fragile, be gentle with yourself on this beautiful and messy journey we call life.


Until next time, I’m waiting for your good news to happen.


Much LOVE and big HUGS,

Reply here and let me know what you are waiting for, so I can hold the vision with you.




I LOVE how things happen for me at the best possible timing.

Words to LOVE by:


Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act. – Paulo Coelho



Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. – Sarah Ban Breathnach



Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout. – Morihei Ueshiba


Sounds for Your Soul:

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