
What is your job? Are you passionate about it? Is it something that when you wake up in the morning, you are excited to get started? I sure hope so as we spend a lot of time at our jobs. However, that isn’t what this message is about. I want you to consider your most important job: to show up in LOVE.


Your job is to LOVE you.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to live your best life.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to make changes YOU feel are good for you.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to be gentle with yourself.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to be gentle with others.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to rise up in LOVE.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to bring LOVE into the hard places.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


Your job is to be the best YOU possible, whatever that looks like.

My job is to LOVE you regardless.


My LOVE doesn’t require conditions. My participation (sharing my time, energy, and heart) does.


Moving forward, I invite you to do your job by:


Being gentle and kind, knowing that you are doing the best you can right now.


Asking yourself each morning ‘who do you want to be today, and how do you want to show up for your family, friends, clients, and colleagues, whether it be a good day or a hard day? How do you want to show up each day for you? Do you want to bring help or harm? Do you want to focus on LOVE or fear? Do you want to pay attention to your heart or your hurt? Once you’ve decided whom you want to be each day, take steps to be that person.


LOVING others as they are rather than who you want them to be. LOVE them for them. Then choose how much time, energy, and heart you will share with them.


Paying attention to whom you share your time, energy, and heart. Are you spending your time with people who lift you up or more time with those who tear you down?


Mostly, my wish is whatever you find yourself facing at this moment, whether it be in celebration or sorrow, that you meet it with LOVE as your guide. LOVE looks for solutions. Fear looks for blame. You are so worthy of living LOVE. Know that to be your truth.


Until next time, let us each do our jobs well. I LOVE you.




I am in the process of LOVING all of me.


Words to LOVE  by:


In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.

– Andrea Dykstra


You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – Buddha


Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

– Mark Twain


Sounds  for  YOUR  Soul:

Love Myself – Hailee Steinfeld

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