What Is It?


What is it that you want in your life? Do you want more LOVE in your life? Do you want more kindness and compassion in your life? What about peace?



Have you taken a moment to sit and ask yourself what you truly want in your life? Well, let today be that day!


While I don’t know much about astrology, I find it fascinating, and today is a planetary alignment that only comes around every 165 years. This planetary alignment, Jupiter and Neptune, brings in creativity, and it is a great reason to focus on what you want in your life. There is more to learn about this magical day if you are interested.


So, again I ask you, what is it you want in your life? Today is a great day to focus on your wants, desires, and experiences you yearn to experience.


Here are some tips to help you start manifesting:


Write down your dreams. Write them all down everything you want to experience in your life, from the smallest certainty to the largest, I have no idea how this can happen, but I want it to happen. This list isn’t about the how; it’s about the want.


Review your list. Go through your list and pick a couple of experiences you want to give attention to right now. Don’t discard the others, as you’ve now told the Universe that it is a desire to be met.


Get into the feeling of why you want to experience it. See yourself living it right now. How does it feel? What does it look like? How does it sound? Note: If you immediately step into why you can’t be that or have that, I encourage you to return to your list and start with something that feels doable. It doesn’t mean you can’t manifest it, but if fear is the overriding feeling at this moment, let’s strengthen our manifestation muscles with something easier to stay focused on the desire rather than the lack.


Make a vision board of your dreams. Find pictures of your dreams, words of your dreams that put you into the space of living them. Note: If you find yourself looking at your vision board and focusing on ‘it’s not here yet,’ then I encourage you to put it away and only look at it from time to time. If looking at it excites you, keep looking and seeing yourself living it.


Create positive affirmations. The affirmations can be specific to what you are manifesting, or they can be general in your worthiness of manifesting your dreams. Here are a few examples.


I am worthy of living my best life.

I am excited about all the good that is happening in my life.

I deserve for my dreams to come true, and I am excited.

I LOVE my new _____. (fill in the blank: job, man, woman, home)


Take inspired action. You’ve put the request out there, and it is important to remember that this is a co-creation process. What steps can you do today to help put your dreams in motion?


Trust the process and be open to your dreams showing up in ways you couldn’t imagine. Being specific with a dream is great IF you can maintain the excitement around the specifics. Often, we start doubting it because it isn’t showing up exactly as we planned. When I am setting my dreams into action, I follow them with – this or something greater. While I may know how I want it to show up, a particular home, travel destination, man, there are thousands of ways it can show up that I am not even aware of, so I focus on how I will feel rather than focusing on where I am at, or who I am with. It will feel joyful, peaceful – home if it’s meant for me.


Please remember that your fears, frustrations, and disappointments aren’t bad. They want to be heard and acknowledged. Sit with them. Be gentle with them. Tell them it will be okay, and when you are ready, return to focusing on what you want.


Whether astrology is your thing or not, I encourage you to give this a try today. It sure can’t hurt. 🙂


I would LOVE to hear what you are manifesting in your life, so drop me an email and let me know. And feel free to book your discovery call with me to help get your dream life in motion.




I am worthy of living a life filled with LOVE, health, wealth, and joyful adventures.


Words to LOVE by:

A person is what he or she thinks about all day long. – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. – Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe


To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe. – Anatole France


Sounds for Your Soul:

Have It All – Jason Mraz

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