
What is it that you want in your life? Please take some time and think about it. What does your best life look like in your relationships, career, home, health, and experiences?


Do you give yourself permission to be that, live that, LOVE that?


In a recent group session with my mentor, she talked about permission, making me ask myself those questions. Am I allowing myself to live boldly, LOVE deeply, laugh loudly, hug intently, and smile brightly? Am I permitting myself to live my ultimate best life? The answer to that is no; I’m not. Don’t get me wrong; my life is pretty darn good, yet it could be better if I remember that I am worthy and deserving of those BIG experiences on my bucket list and realize they are only out of my reach because I’ve put them there. I am grateful for where I am today, AND I am excited to see what’s coming.


While you find gratitude in where you are today, I invite you to ask yourself those questions and then permit yourself to:


Rise above whatever is bothering you.


Learn new things.


Know that you are deserving and worthy of your dreams.


Dream big, and then even bigger.


Be okay with not being okay.


Let go of what no longer serves you, even long-term relationships.


Allow in more LOVE and laughter.


Fall and get back up.






Forgive yourself.


Trust your intuition.


Start LOVING your body.


Say yes.


Say no.


Change your mind.




Move forward when you didn’t receive the apology you deserved.


Play more.


Go on joyful adventures.


Step out of your comfort zone.


Ask for what you want.


Ignore the doubters in your life.


Have more fun.


Walk away.


Ask for help.


Write the book.


Make more money.


Start again.


To join my global hug event. (see below) 🙂


Create the life you yearn to live.


Until next time, I permit you to LOVE your life at a deeper level than you thought you could.


Drop me an email and let me know what you are permitting yourself to do.




I give myself permission to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.


Words to LOVE by:


Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be. – Joy Page


As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.

– Marianne Williamson


Nobody can hurt me without my permission. – Gandhi


Sounds for YOUR Soul:

Be Good to Yourself – Journey

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