Are You Ready for the Road to Happiness?

Are you ready to get on the road to happiness? It starts with a single step forward with intention of focusing on your happiness. It seems so easy as who doesn’t want to be happy? And when things are going well in your life, it is easy. How about when you find yourself dealing with a big challenge in your life whether it be personal or professional? That first step can seem daunting and perhaps impossible in those situations. As you know I’m a BIG believer in what I focus on I give it the energy to grow whether it be a positive focus or a fearful focus. So, when I’m dealing with any fear-based thoughts, I consciously choose to reframe the fearful thought into a LOVING one. I lessen its impact by focusing on gratitude and by doing so, my fear starts to dissipate. Is it easy? Well, it depends on the circumstance.

Small fears may simply be a thought that crosses my mind and I’m able to see it for what it is, a small reminder that my focus is coming from a space of lack. Now the bigger fears that visit from time to time, require more dedicated refocusing along with self-evaluation of whether I am ‘stuffing’ the fear or moving through it.

Having fearful (negative) feelings is part of living and allows us to see what we don’t want in our lives in order to give more attention to what we do want. See them, feel them, and then allow them to dissolve and transform into a life of deeper LOVE, laughter and happiness. One step at a time towards living your ideal life.

Moving forward, I invite you to step into happiness by:

Being okay with any fear-based thought (sadness, anger, being overwhelmed, etc.) and moving through it with gentleness and compassion for yourself.

Finding humor in what you are dealing with as laughter truly is the best medicine.

Starting and ending your day in gratitude. Be grateful for the smallest things that we often take for granted – a warm bed, breathing on your own, and your LOVED ones, etc.

Mostly, my wish for you to realize that happiness is always available to help you celebrate life bigger and better and also to lessen any sorrow you face. You simply being you is reason enough to step into deeper happiness in your life.

Until next time, be gentle with yourself and take one step at a time.

Big hugs, Carol


I move forward each day with greater LOVE, laughter, and happiness.

Words to LOVE by:

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi

“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” ~ Charles Spurgeon

“Happiness is not something ready-made, it comes from your own actions.” ~ Dalai Lama

“Most folks are as happy as they make their minds up to be.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Sounds for your soul:


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