My Observations

Have you heard the phrase observe rather than absorb? I encountered it years ago, and it continues to shape my life meaningfully. Now, I’d love to tell you that I practice it perfectly, but let’s be honest—I don’t. Still, the awareness of this concept has made a world of difference.

So, what does it mean? It’s about noticing what’s happening around you—other people’s emotions, energy, or circumstances—without letting it alter your internal state. This isn’t about ignoring or dismissing others’ feelings. It’s about staying grounded so you can respond with compassion and love rather than getting swept up in fear, frustration, or anger.

When I practice observing instead of absorbing, I can support someone struggling without joining them in their emotional turmoil. If I absorb their energy, I might react with worry or frustration, which doesn’t help. On the other hand, observing allows me to stay present, calm, and focused on how I can best support them—whether by listening, offering reassurance, or helping find solutions.

Moving Forward, I invite you to practice observing instead of absorbing by:

Checking in with yourself. Throughout the day, pause and notice your emotional state. Ask yourself, “Is this mine, or am I picking up on someone else’s energy?” This simple awareness creates an opportunity to return to your grounded space.

Paying attention to patterns. Notice how certain people or situations affect your energy. Do you leave a conversation feeling uplifted or drained? While everyone has tough days, consider the broader patterns in your relationships and how they impact you.

Creating intentional boundaries. If you find yourself absorbing someone else’s energy, take a moment to breathe deeply or mentally affirm, “I can be here for them without taking this on.” Visualizing a calm, grounded state around you can help reinforce this intention.

Focusing on your response. When you notice others in distress, acknowledge their feelings while staying centered on your energy. Instead of mirroring their fear or frustration, respond with kindness, calmness, and a solution-oriented mindset.

The more you pay attention to your energy, the easier it becomes to recognize whether you’re observing or absorbing. By staying aware, you can respond with love, compassion, and calm, creating a ripple effect of positivity for yourself and those around you. And if you slip into absorbing? That’s okay. The goal is progress, not perfection. You’ll catch yourself faster with practice and shift back into your natural, grounded state.

Until next time, observe fear, absorb love.


I observe with love and compassion while staying grounded in my own energy.

Words to Love By:

You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it. – Roy T. Bennett

Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. – Pema Chödrön

Don’t adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the room. – Unknown

Sounds for Your Soul:

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