Everlasting LOVE

As we approach Valentine’s Day, LOVE is in the air. People searching for LOVE. People in LOVE. People hurting from LOVE lost. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Some people LOVE the holiday, while others say Hallmark created it to sell their products. Whatever the reason, it’s a time of the year that has our attention turned to LOVE. And for that, I am grateful. I LOVE LOVE every day of the year.


February 14th tends to focus on romantic LOVE, yet LOVE itself is far more expansive than romance. Now, romance is awesome, AND I want to remind you that you can reach for everlasting LOVE in various ways in your life from romantic LOVE, self LOVE, family LOVE, and LOVE of the work you do or the home that you live in.


Moving forward, if you are looking for everlasting LOVE, start:


Paying attention to your words. Do any of these statements ring true to you? I’m a hopeless romantic. I can’t find a good job. That is too expensive. Retake your personal power by reframing how you speak about the things you want. I am a hopeful romantic. I am right for the right job. I choose what to spend my financial resources on. Choose words that empower you rather than words that hold you back.


Creating a list of what you desire. Whether you are looking for an everlasting LOVE relationship, job situation, new home, better relationships with your family and friends…

write – it – all – down.

Please write it down from the smallest to the biggest desire. If it’s something you dream about, then it’s worth writing about it. Be general. Get specific. Keep writing until you can’t think of anything else to add. If you want your romantic partner to have green eyes… write it down. If you want a job in a skyscraper… write it down.


Reviewing your list. Now that you’ve gone through all your desires, go over each thing you added. No judgment, just review. Get into the feeling place of how each item you wrote down feels if you had that in your life today. Once you’ve reviewed the entire list, go back over it again and choose the ‘must-haves’ and circle them or highlight them. These are the deal-breakers if they are missing in the romance or job or whatever it is you dream about. Truly be honest with yourself on if it’s a preference or a real need. By this time, my guess is the green eyes aren’t a deal-breaker, but be honest; if for some reason they are that important to you, highlight it. This is YOUR desire list, not mine or someone else’s. Now that you have your ‘must-haves’ or ‘deal-breakers,’ you can use this information in moving forward toward your everlasting LOVE. You’ll see ‘red flags’ much quicker because of this awareness, AND you will see the ‘matches’ quicker too.


Creating a musical playlist. This step might work better if you focus on relationship desires over a job desire, but I encourage you to create a playlist. I LOVE music, and I have several playlists from LOVE, mellow, high energy, and specific artists. Now, I want you to focus on clarity here. LOTS of sad LOVE songs and unrequited LOVE songs that you may like a lot, but they should not go on your everlasting LOVE song playlist unless you are trying to attract sad, unrequited LOVE to your life.


Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe

Say you will


I LOVE Train’s ‘Marry Me,’ yet it’s not on my Everlasting LOVE playlist because he hasn’t even met her. He is infatuated. Same with Whitney Houston’s (Dolly Parton wrote) “I’ll always LOVE you,” song she sang in the Bodyguard.


If I should stay

I would only be in your way

So I’ll go, but I know

I’ll think of you every step of the way

And I will always LOVE you


Yes, it’s a LOVE song. Yes, I LOVE it. And yes, she is leaving him. Sting’s “I’ll Be Watching You” song, a great song, AND it’s about an obsessive LOVE. Many people wrote him that they played it at their weddings; he wrote ‘If You Love Somebody Set Them Free’ as an antidote to the aforementioned song.


As you review songs to add to your playlist, confirm the lyrics are songs that express the feelings you want to feel in your relationship. Here are my top three songs: ‘Stars are Ours‘ by the Nylons, ‘When You Say Nothing at All,’ by Alison Krauss, and ‘Groovy Kind of LOVE,’ by Phil Collins. I am always adding/removing songs from my Everlasting LOVE playlist. Currently, I have 69 songs that you can listen to and see if they are one’s you’d like on your playlist. Listen to your playlist to get you into the feeling place as you imagine him/her/they come into fruition. If you focus on a job or other dream, create a high vibe music list that gets you into a great, empowered feeling.


Mostly, my wish for you this week is to fully know that you are deserving of everlasting LOVE for yourself. That YOU feel LOVED by you. Other people enhance or detract from your life, but you are the one that is with you 24/7. Fall deeply in LOVE with you. Focus on creating everlasting LOVING relationships in your life from romance, to friendships, to family, to colleagues. See all of your relationships as healthy and LOVING.


And lastly, a simple reminder from yours truly. My LOVE has no conditions. My participation does. I have an everlasting LOVE for my LOVES, whether they are currently a part of my life or if they are part of my history.


Until next time, YOU are an everlasting LOVE story. Live it fully. xxx


My LOVE is everlasting.

Words to LOVE by:

LOVE is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.”

– Vincent van Gogh

“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we LOVE deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

“The only thing we never get enough of is LOVE; the only thing we never give enough of is LOVE.” – Henry Miller

Sounds for your Soul:



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