Down the drain

How are you feeling the majority of the time? The majority is 51%, not 100%. I strive to be in the 90% of coming from a LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peaceful space, as they are my top values.


That means at least 10% of the time, fear, frustration, anger, sadness, unworthiness or any other lower energy visits me. Being aware of my top values allows me to stay focused on how I want to feel most of the time while allowing normal feelings to be felt and expressed healthily.


One of the tools I use for myself and my clients is to wash away anything that no longer serves me. I see the emotions washing down the drain to be returned to earth and transmuted into LOVE. I also use this tool when physically in a dense energy area (jail visits, protestors during hugs) to release the lower energy of others.


I encourage you to give it a try. And if you are unable to step into a shower, please use the video below I created to wash down the drain that no longer serves you.


CLICK HERE and let me know how you are doing in this beautiful and messy world.

Down the drain from Carol Miller on Vimeo.

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