How Do You Face Your Storms?

Life has one guarantee… change. Sometimes we get hung up on change and get stressed out on its uncertainty and wanting to know exactly how it’s going to turn out, when it’s going to turn out, and why it’s going to happen. We love change when we seemingly have the answers to that change, but when change is amid uncertainty, do we love it then?


I know that when I am going through a transition, whether it be a job, a relationship, a home, or any ‘big’ shakeup in my life, uncertainty creeps in and visits more than I like. I can easily move into how it will unfold, when is it going to unfold, and why hasn’t it happened yet. So, during the storm of uncertainty, I remind myself how much I truly love actual storms. I love the electricity in the air, the wind, the power of the thunder, the brightness of the lightning. During the storm, I don’t know how long it’s going to last or how strong it will be; however, I do know I am safe, and I sit back and watch and relish it.


So, when I am facing the uncertainty in my life, however, it is showing up, I remind myself I am safe as I truly know all will work out for the very best and most likely beyond my wildest dreams. I remind myself to focus on the generalities of my life that I am healthy, loved, abundant, and living the life of my dreams. I loosen my grip on control and tighten my grip on trusting the process, trusting the journey. I move toward things that feel right. I quiet my mind and meditate. I listen to my affirmations. I listen to my heart and gut and ask myself am I listening to LOVING thoughts or fearful ones, and then I let go and go with the flow. Uncertainty wins for a moment or two, yet loving my life is the true winner and remains my main thought.


Moving forward, I invite you to embrace your storm by:


Knowing all is well, and all will be well.


LOVING more and worrying less as you can’t love and worry at the same time. So, when worrisome thoughts visit, reframe them to a gentler, kinder version of excitement on what is to come – living your life with deeper love, laughter, and happiness than you have ever known.


Being gentle with yourself as you move through the storm and adjust to the new normal, whatever that looks like.


Revisiting past storms for a moment and take stock in how you and your life grew from the experience.


Mostly, my wish for you is to appreciate the journey of life as times of uncertainty allow the times of certainty to shine even brighter as you have a comparison. I wish that you follow your heart and dive into life as each time you say YES to living your dream life, the Big U will provide you unlimited opportunities to choose from.


Until next time, I am certain you deserve to live a life that dreams are made of. How about you


I am safe.


Words to LOVE by:

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.”~ Erich Fromm

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

“There is no certainty; there is only adventure.” ~ Roberto Assagioli


Sounds for the Soul:

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