15 Years

Fifteen years ago, on October 12th, Positive Focus officially became a 501(c)(3), marking the beginning of a journey filled with incredible highs, challenging lows, and everything in between. It started with a bold vision to build a thriving community in Chicago, eventually expanding to other cities. Thanks to Lorna’s dedication, we even established a chapter in Louisville, Kentucky, for a few years.

Over the years, we’ve hosted hundreds of events—book clubs, movie nights, discussion groups, and give-back initiatives. Our events slowed as my personal schedule shifted, and the original core attendees naturally moved on. But the heart of the mission continued to beat strong. Hugs became the primary focus while I kept sharing the message of love: focus more on what you love and less on what you don’t.

There were many times when I wanted to throw in the towel. The journey felt stagnant, growth seemed far off, and I was burned out—not from the mission of spreading love and kindness but from the sheer weight of doing it all. But one truth has kept me going: when people feel heard and seen, they are far less likely to harm themselves or others. That truth held just as much power back in 2009 as today.

Happy Anniversary, Positive Focus. You’ve challenged, grown, and surprised me in unexpected ways. And yes, sometimes you’ve exasperated me—but giving up on you would feel like giving up on myself. I may not know exactly where this journey will take us next, but I know one thing: we’ll keep moving forward together. We’ll keep offering hugs, sharing kind words, and inspiring people to live lives they love. I will continue coaching and helping support people through the highs and lows of their lives.

Thank you to those who have been part of Positive Focus from the start. I am grateful to everyone who finds inspiration, connection, and compassion through my work.

I love you. PF loves you. Here’s to the next chapter. Let’s keep going.

Moving forward, I encourage you to:

Embrace the Journey—Both Highs and Lows: Life’s ups and downs are part of the process. Growth isn’t always linear; sometimes, the most significant lessons reside in setbacks.

Stay Aligned with Your ‘Why’: When burnout creeps in, reconnect with your core purpose. Knowing why you do what you do will fuel you when the road feels long or unknown.

Celebrate Progress, No Matter How Small: Every step forward matters. Acknowledge the little wins, even when the big ones feel far away.

Lean on Community: Surround yourself with people who uplift you and remind you of your mission when you forget. You don’t have to do it all alone. FYI – I could improve at this one.

No matter where the road takes us next, the heart of Positive Focus will always beat with love, kindness, and hope. Here’s to continuing the journey—one step, one hug, and one act of kindness at a time.

Until next time, onward led with love.


I honor my journey, embracing every twist and turn. I trust that each step I take—big or small—moves me closer to the life I love.

Words to LOVE By:

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. — Theodore Roosevelt

It always seems impossible until it’s done. — Nelson Mandela

Fall seven times, stand up eight. — Japanese Proverb

Sounds for Your Soul:

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