Upside Down

Do you ever feel like life is upside down? Maybe things are falling into place right now, but at some point, you’ve likely faced moments when nothing seemed to go as planned. You’ve heard the sayings—”when it rains, it pours,” or “waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Those phrases reflect the weight of uncertainty, the moments when life feels out of control.

Whether dealing with personal struggles or feeling overwhelmed by political unrest, environmental concerns, or social justice issues, it can be daunting when the world seems turned around. It’s easy to feel powerless, want to shut down, or believe that nothing you do will make a difference. But today is not that day.

Instead of feeling stuck in an upside-down world, let’s shift from me to we and turn things right-side up together.

Whatever you’re going through, remember you are not alone—even if it feels that way.

We are all part of a greater community, and each of us plays a role in shaping it. How we show up in the world—through our kindness, choices, and words—impacts those around us. Perhaps you don’t see how you contribute to the we, but I promise you do. If you are a writer, you impact your readers. If you are a business owner, you impact your clients. If you are a friend, a neighbor, or a family member, you impact the people in your life. Think about your influence on the community, not just how the community influences you. Of course, success and personal fulfillment matter, but I believe true success comes from caring about others and seeing the reward in connection and shared growth. And the beautiful part? When you show up for the we, you also enrich your life. The kindness, generosity, and support you offer the world return to you in ways you may never expect.

Moving forward, I encourage you to:

Focus on what you can control. It’s natural to get frustrated by things beyond our influence, but dwelling on them won’t create change. Ask yourself: Do I have the ability to impact this situation? If yes, take action. If not, redirect your energy toward what you can influence. Small, intentional actions add up, both personally and collectively.

Shift from “me” to “we.” Hard times can feel isolating, but you’re not alone in your experiences. Someone has walked this path before and come through it, and so will you. When challenges arise, look for ways to support others. Acts of service, big or small, help those in need and bring you into a space of gratitude and connection.

Be mindful of your words. When you share your struggles, are you venting to release or getting stuck in a cycle of complaints? Venting can be healthy, but without mindfulness, it can turn into dwelling on the problem. Before opening up to someone, consider your intention—are you looking for support, solutions, or simply an outlet to express your emotions? Clarifying your needs can help you and others navigate these conversations carefully.

Practice gentleness. It’s easy to wonder, Why is this happening to me? That question is normal, but it doesn’t move you forward. Instead, be gentle with yourself. Life brings joy, struggle, and uncertainty, and how we process those moments shapes our path. Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel, then take steps—however small—toward living fully in the present, with hope for the future.

Life will occasionally feel upside down, and that’s part of the journey. But often, once we get to the other side, we see that the changes we feared led to something even greater than we imagined. During the storm, it can be hard to see the light ahead but trust that it’s there. Keep focusing on what you want to create, and together, we can build a world that reflects hope, kindness, and gratitude.


I am creating a world I am excited to live in.

Words to Love By:

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. – Helen Keller

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. – Desmond Tutu

We rise by lifting others.” – Robert Ingersoll

Sounds for Your Soul:

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