Loving From Afar

Love often brings people together, creating a bond through closeness and shared experiences. But sometimes, the most loving choice you can make is to create space. It’s not about loving less; it’s about recognizing when maintaining a healthy distance is necessary for your well-being. In these moments, love can still thrive—perhaps even more deeply—when you give it room to breathe.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ve probably heard me say: “My LOVE is unconditional. My participation has conditions.” I wanted to explain that a little more, as I believe we often distance ourselves from people out of hurt and anger. Both are valid feelings. However, distancing yourself while still loving that person is entirely possible. I can LOVE you and still choose to lessen my time with you or even remove you from my life if that honors my well-being.

Deciding to step back doesn’t mean you care any less; it often shows a profound awareness of your own needs and boundaries. We don’t measure love by constant proximity or interaction but by the quality of the intention behind it. Letting love guide your decisions, even when it involves less time together, can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

This message isn’t just about romantic love; it extends to our love with family and friends. Whether it’s a sibling, a parent, an extended relative, or a close friend, loving from afar and establishing boundaries apply universally. The responsibility lies in recognizing and honoring your boundaries, regardless of how the other person may react to the shift.

Moving forward, I encourage you to:

Honor your boundaries. Recognize when your energy feels drained or overwhelmed, and let yourself step back without guilt. Your well-being is essential to maintaining healthy, loving relationships.

Love with intention, not proximity. Focus on how you can still offer love and support, even from afar. Whether through kind words, gestures, or simply holding space for them in your heart, distance doesn’t diminish the impact of your love.

Let love guide your actions. Rather than reacting out of obligation or fear of losing connection, drive your decisions with love. Choose actions that serve your well-being and relationships, trusting that you are on the right path when love is your compass.

Remember that love isn’t rigid or fixed as you move through life. It flows and shifts, adapting to the needs of the moment. Love itself has no conditions, but your participation does. When you allow love to guide you—whether that means coming closer or stepping back—you honor your heart and well-being, creating space for your growth and peace.

Until next time, be loving regardless of distance.


LOVE is my guide.

Words to LOVE By:

You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce. – Tony Gaskins

You have to learn to get up from the table when love is no longer being served. – Nina Simone

Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean; it makes me whole. – Oprah Winfrey

Sounds for Your Soul:

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