
I recently visited the Baha’i Temple just outside of Chicago. I’ve driven by it dozens of times and seen it from the water, but this was my first visit. It was a beautiful day, I brought my journal, and I planned to sit to make plans and set intentions.

While the center was closed, the temple was open, so I went inside and decided that rather than journaling, I would sit in the space and think about where I was and where I want to go. I sat for quite a while and just soaked in the area. I thought about my purpose and passion for spreading more LOVE in the world, kindness, compassion, and peace. I thought about how much more I wanted to do sooner than later. And before I got up to leave, I asked to see clear signs that the Big U heard me and was supporting my work.


As I drove away and came to a stoplight, there was a car to my left with his windows down, and I could lightly hear the music he was playing. I, too, had my windows down, and surprisingly I didn’t have my music playing yet, which is odd for me as I start my car and then turn on my tunes. As I listened to the song, I smiled as I realized the lyrics, I was hearing was a sign –


My darling, I can’t get enough of your love, babe

Girl, I don’t know, I don’t know why

I can’t get enough of your love, babe


I had just asked about spreading more LOVE worldwide, and these were the lyrics I heard! Ask, and you shall receive!


Moving forward, I invite you to set your intentions and pay attention to the signs by:


  • Be clear on what you desire. What does it look like? What does it feel like?
  • Be open to it showing up more extraordinary ways than you can imagine.
  • Ask for signs that things are moving in the direction you want.
  • If something feels like a sign, it IS A SIGN. We often try and negate it because it might seem silly or too easy. Believe it.
  • Whether it’s a big or little sign, say THANK YOU, more of this, please.


Mostly, I want you to notice the signs of all the beauty, the hope, and the possibility around you. Even when facing challenges, there are signs of hope if you are willing to look.


Until next time, I can’t get enough of your LOVE, babe. 🙂


I pay attention to all the LOVING signs around me.


Words to LOVE by

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. – Robert H. Schuller


Sounds for Your Soul

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