The dance of the seasons

As I looked out my living room window on this September morning, I was reminded of the change that is in the air. While the season adjusts from summer to fall, we, too, learn to adjust to the changes occurring in our lives. We can force change, or we can allow change. We can create change, or we can let change create us. We can try and control it, or we can learn to flow with it. We can learn to move through a change just as nature does.

The seasons are struggling for control. Summer is trying to hold on. Fall is saying it’s my turn to lead. They will dance for a few weeks, one trying to lead while the other refuses to follow. Eventually, Summer understands it is time to rest. It begins to realize that Fall is here not to take over but rather to relieve Summer of a job well done.

It won’t be too long before Fall goes through the same dance and struggles with Winter. Still wanting to lead until eventually realizing it’s a collaboration. It understands that there is a time to lead, a time to follow, and a time to rest. Winter and Spring will dance together, followed by Spring and Summer. The dance begins. The dance continues.

Just as the seasons adjust to new surroundings, you too can adjust to whatever season you are experiencing in your life right now. From celebration to sorrow and everything in between, learn to dance through them with LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace as your main dance partner. Learn to lead, learn to follow, learn to know when it’s time to sit this dance out.

Moving forward, I invite you to dance through the seasonal changes in your life by:

Being gentle with yourself. Just because you prefer summer doesn’t mean you have to hate winter. Just because you prefer certain people in your life doesn’t mean you have to hate others. Be gentle as you dance through the changes happening, and remember, you get to CHOOSE how to dance through them and who to dance with.

Asking yourself if you are ready for the change? Are you ready to take a step into what is next? Or is there still something to learn right where you are and grow into it. When you can make peace with where you are, you’ll either decide it’s where you should be right now or you will move into the next season from a peaceful state rather than a fearful one.

Knowing it’s not what happens to you in life, but rather how you move through it that matters most. Life ebbs and flows. Its twist and turns. It starts and ends. You can choose to fight change; you can choose to celebrate change or choose to be curious about it and see what unfolds. When you move through your life with LOVE as your guide, you will find that your celebrations are heightened, and your sorrows lessened.

Mostly, my wish for you is to realize that you are worthy of life’s dance. Whether you are just learning the dance moves or you are a seasoned professional, you deserve a life with smooth moves, happy feet, and knowing you’ve had the time of your life.

Until next time, may I have this dance?


I move through each season guided by LOVE.

Words to LOVE by:

“Love is a fruit in season at all times and within reach of every hand.” – Mother Teresa

“It makes no sense to try to extend a friendship that was only meant to be a season into a lifetime.” – Mandy Hale

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

Sounds for your Soul:


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