This beautiful and messy world is sure a lot these days. War, COVID, racism, unrest, and climate issues are just a few things that might have your attention. Yes, they are hard. And yes, there is also goodness, LOVE, kindness, and beauty worldwide.
Don’t lose sight of the world YOU want to live in and do what you can, from where you are, with what you have to create that world. I will LOVE you through your celebrations and sorrows.
In case you didn’t know, I’m a fabulous hugger (lots of practice). 😊 So, please know that wherever you find yourself right now, I am holding you tight close to my heart.
You just received the good news about a new job. I am ((HUGGING)) you.
You are feeling the heaviness of the world’s woes. I am ((HUGGING)) you.
You are joyfully in LOVE with a new romance. I am ((HUGGING)) you.
You are hurting from the loss of a LOVED one. I am ((HUGGING)) you.
You are celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or any important date in your life. I am ((HUGGING) you.
You are struggling to make a hard decision. I am ((HUGGING)) you.
One of my favorite things to offer is a hug to heighten celebrations and lessen sorrows, so I am sending you the biggest hug imaginable. Breathe into it and feel my arms around you.
Now, please take a moment and listen to this song created for me by my dear friend Kris Voelker.

It’s Back!
Since 2008 I have been offering LOVE and kindness one hug at a time, until the spring of 2020 when COVID hit. While I never took the power of a hug for granted, these last two years have reminded me just how important it is to connect, to see, and to embrace.
Let’s be LOVE changemakers. Let’s be kindness spreaders. Join me in LOVING up the world one hug at a time September 9 – 11, 2022, wherever you are in this beautiful and messy world.
Huggers – sign up today.
Non-huggers – sign up today. I was not a hugger when I started doing hugs. It was WAY out of my comfort zone. Give it a try.
If hugging a stranger is too much for you, you can still register and embrace people you know and share your pictures.
Is hugging still not for you? Sign up to offer a kind gesture that weekend.
The intent is to LOVE up this beautiful and messy world.
While the invite is new, you can see where others have signed up to join.
NOTE: I ask that everyone follow safety guidelines in their area as we continue to LOVE up the world.
And please invite your friends from around the world to sign up and join us.
I choose to spread LOVE and kindness in my thoughts, words, and actions.
Words to LOVE by:
Hugs heighten celebrations and lessen sorrows. – Carol CC Miller
Everybody needs a hug. It changes your metabolism. – Leo Buscaglia
I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug or just a friendly pat on the back. – Maya Angelou
Sounds for Your Soul:
Hugging You – Tom Rosenthal