
Today, I am asking you to take a challenge with me. Are you ready to accept your challenge? For the next 168 hours (one week), I am asking you to focus on the world you want to live in.


I challenge you to choose good thoughts this week. Each moment, each hour, each morning, noon, or night, I ask you to say an enthusiastic YES to the thoughts that make you feel good and say cancel cancel (or any term that works for you) to fear-based thoughts.


I ask that you challenge yourself to turn off the news, even if you ‘think’ you have to be kept informed about national and global challenges we face, as the world will still rotate without you being plugged into the fear.


I ask that you consider the impact on the world if we each choose to focus on LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace. Suppose we concentrate on solutions rather than blame, shame, and complaint. Suppose we decided to offer help rather than harm. Imagine the impact on the planet if we choose LOVING thoughts, words, and actions and the effect it would have.


Reminder – I am not an absolutist.

Fear, frustration, anger, and disappointment are normal emotions we have.

I am not asking you to ignore them or the challenges we face in the world.

I ask that you give most of your attention to

LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace while you feel through your feelings.


I ask that you challenge yourself not to blame others for whatever you feel isn’t going right in your life, including not blaming yourself.


I ask that you challenge yourself to see the silver lining, not the perceived ‘bigger’ gray cloud you may face.


I ask that you challenge yourself to appreciate that you can recognize negative thoughts as they creep in. Awareness is when actual change can take place. Some people walk around in a fog of negativity without being able to identify it. You’ve chosen to identify it and say thanks but no thanks. YAY You!


I ask that you challenge yourself to be gentle with yourself and others as we journey through this beautiful and messy world.


And mostly, I ask that you challenge yourself to plug into hope. Plug into your dreams and desires; Plug into LOVE; Plug into faith. Congratulate yourself on all that you’ve accomplished in your life. Say YAY me for even the smallest shift into being part of the positive energy waiting for you to allow it in and welcome you to your dreams and desires.


Until next time, get ready to live your best life.



I look for the best outcome in each experience.


Words to LOVE  by:

Its lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself. ~ Muhammad Ali


Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are. ~ Bernice Johnson Reagon

Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are. ~ Bernice Johnson Reagon

Sounds for Your Soul:

People Get Ready – Jeff Beck, Rod Stewart

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