Sprinkle Hope

JULY 23, 2021

Still at it doing what I can to bring a little hope into the hard places of life.

To remind people that they matter in this beautiful and messy world. I wholeheartedly believe that if a person feels ‘seen’ and knows they matter in the world, they are far less likely to harm themselves or others.

Rereading my journey with CCSO reminded me of why I do what I do.

I don’t have to agree with you to see you. We can meet at the door of compassion.


JULY 23, 2020

Two years ago, I started a journey of volunteering with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office as a volunteer empower guide to provide hope wherever and whenever I can.

I cannot control who is willing or able to hear my purpose of sharing LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace. I can control that I continue to show up daily and do what I can, from where I am, with what I have to offer my purpose to those willing and able to hear it, see it, believe it, and be it.

As I continue to share it, I grow it within myself and see where I need to nurture it within myself more.

Oh, beautiful and messy life – THANK YOU.

Let us provide hope wherever and whenever we can.


JULY 23, 2019

A lot has changed for me in this last year. Shortly after starting this project, my mom’s health took a turn for the worse, and more time was spent with her…and there is no place else I would have wanted to be. There wasn’t a lot of time to get started at the jail. In December, Mom moved to the cosmos, and I found myself in the epicenter of a personal earthquake. My foundation was gone. Seven months later, while there are still lots of aftershocks that happen without giving notice, I realize my foundation has shifted, but it is still intact.

So, while I said YES a year ago to CCSO, it hasn’t been the year I thought it would be. The work is daunting and needed. I’ve questioned myself hundreds of times if I am right for the role. Their needs are big, and I am small.

And then this one-year memory pops up, and I read my words from a year ago. I remember my intention of why I said yes.

I remind myself that it is easy to get overwhelmed with the complexity of life, yet the power of one small step forward can and does make a BIG impact.

I don’t know where this journey will take me with CCSO and the work I am so passionate about in general as it’s still uncharted. But I do know that I will continue to do what I can from where I’m at to let people feel seen, heard, and to know they matter…up until the day I meet up with mom in the stars.



JULY 23, 2018 Today I went to the Cook County Jail to discuss how I might serve their community. My original intention was to work with the detainee community, but most importantly, I could make the biggest positive impact. After talking to one of the directors from the staff side, I’ve decided to work with the staff to help them feel seen, cared for, and remind them they matter so they can embrace all of their life, whether at work or home.

This is a large organization that spans 96 acres with over 4,000 staff. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but the possibility of change does.

I intend to see them as 1 person 4,000 times rather than seeing 4,000 people.

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the complexity of our prison system in the country and not do anything. One small step can and does make a BIG impact. My steps moving forward are uncharted at this point, yet they are happening, and I am excited.

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