Rising Above It

Today was a heavy day with what is going on in Ukraine, and other places in the world and within the US. While my heart gets heavy with what is going on in the world, I know that rising above fear is the way through it.  I

I find stepping into fear easily and being led by LOVE harder, especially when fear is screaming.


Fear is screaming war.

Fear is screaming trans kids don’t matter

Fear is screaming white supremacy

Fear is screaming separation

Fear is screaming unhealthy power

Fear is screaming you are not worthy

Fear is screaming others are out to get you

Fear is screaming that LOVE and kindness are weak


Sometimes, fear screams so loudly that you begin to think it’s winning. And it might win for a moment in time. It might win some people over to its side, believing you have to be cruel and take advantage of people to get ahead. It wants to numb you from the pain, so you keep feeding its energy. Fear feeds off of keeping you stuck and small.


And you know why fear keeps screaming because it’s scared of itself. Suppose it were to be still, quiet, reflective – even if for just a moment, it would lose its power. Oh, fear, you must be so tired of all the energy you expend to keep going.


Fear, you may beat me on occasion, but you will not win me over. I LOVE you, I see you, and I will rise above you – especially when it’s hard.


LOVE reminds me to take positive, kind, compassionate, and peaceful action.


LOVE reminds me that kindness and compassion are my superpowers.


LOVE reminds me that it’s okay to be afraid as LOVE is right there with me in those moments too.


LOVE reminds me that people do awful things to others because of their own deep fears.


LOVE reminds me that when I am filled up with LOVE, the thought of hurting others isn’t even in my realm.


Sending LOVE out to all in harm’s way.


I LOVE you. I SEE you. YOU matter in this beautiful and messy world.



My Embrace Your Life Chat was all about rising above fear today. Take a listen, and I hope it helps.



I choose LOVE. I choose compassion. I choose peace.


Words to LOVE by:

“It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.” – Aristotle


“Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.” – Dalai Lama


The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things.” – Peace Pilgrim


Sounds for Your Soul:

Imagine – Pentatonix

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