I am a lighthouse

I am reminded daily that the world is both beautiful AND messy. I will continue to do what I can, with what I have, from where I am at to bring more LOVE to the beauty AND LOVE to the messiness.


I will get sad, AND I will return to LOVE.


I will get scared, AND I will return to LOVE.


I will get mad, AND I will return to LOVE.


I will doubt that I have the ability to create ​LOVING ​change, AND I will get over myself because if not me, then who?


I will feel like messiness is winning, AND I will return to LOVE.


I will step into blame, shame, and complaint, AND I will return to LOVE.


My LOVE is not okay with the messiness. My LOVE insists I do what I can to bring more LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace into the hearts of all those willing to allow it in.


My LOVE is deeply grateful for those standing up to the mess, demanding better while standing in the space of LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace.


My LOVE understands how messiness can create a reason for blame, shame, and complaints.


My LOVE gets furious with injustice, inequality, lack of care for others, AND my LOVE reminds me that true LOVE is hard and oh so very worth it. Fear is easy. True LOVE is hard.


My LOVE knows that I have white privilege, AND I continue to learn how to serve through it.


My LOVE knows that I’ll get it wrong, probably a lot, AND I will continue onward with LOVE.


I want more LOVE in the world, so I will start with me.


I want more KINDNESS in the world, so I will start with me.


I want more COMPASSION in the world, so I will start with me.


I want more PEACE in the world, so I will start with me.


My heart hurts when injustice and tragedy happen. AND I know that LOVE is the quickest way for me to heal my hurts to better serve others in healing theirs.


Do not mistake my LOVE for bypassing the mess. I was brought here to magnify LOVE, especially when it’s hard.


​I choose to be a lighthouse on days of calm, AND I choose to be a lighthouse during the storm. ​


I LOVE you.







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