To be continued…

Yesterday was election day here in the states. Some people woke up today in celebration, while others were feeling sorrow.


It reminded me of something I ask myself often:


“Whom do I want to be,
and how do I want to show up
in this beautiful and messy world.”


I especially ask myself this when I’m in a state of anger, fear, or frustration, as that doesn’t feel good to me. So, regardless of the reason, whether you find yourself in celebration or sorrow today, I encourage you to ask yourself that question and allow that to be the shift to focus on your desires more than your doubts.


Here is what I continue to choose to be:


I will continue to stand for LOVE, kindness, compassion, peace, and justice.


I will continue to choose to see the pain behind the hurtful action for compassion while knowing there are still consequences to the behavior.


I will continue to pay attention to my white privilege, use it for good when I can, and keep learning where it’s still hidden within me.


I will continue to get mad at injustice, feel it, and channel it into ways of helping rather than adding more pain to the situation.


I will continue to showcase LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace, as there is a lot of it still in this beautiful and messy world we live in.


I will continue to LOVE more.


I will continue to choose to laugh, have fun, and see the magic in the day.


I will continue to choose lives over guns.


I will continue to stand with marginalized communities. There are too many to name, and I don’t want to leave one out.


I will continue to smile, share a kind word, and hug as many people as possible.


I will continue to see the beauty in this messy world.


I will continue to care about the messiness and try to bring about positive change.


I will continue to get some things wrong and learn from them.


Mainly, I will continue to believe that when people feel heard, seen, and know they matter in this world; they are far less likely to harm themselves or others. And I will do what I can to mitigate people feeling invisible and powerless.


Let each of us continue to add a little more LOVE, kindness, compassion, peace, and justice in the world from where we are with what we have.


Moving forward, I invite you to continue creating the life you want to live by:


Feeling your feels. Disappointment, frustration, or impatience are not wrong. It’s normal to feel that when things aren’t going as you want. Feel it, and step into gratitude. Feel it again, and step back into gratitude.


Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. I know I said it above, but it’s a massive tool in stepping forward into your desires rather than allowing your fears to settle in.


Ask yourself whom you want to be in this beautiful and messy world. While you won’t get it right all the time, the more you inquire about whom you want to be, the more you will begin to be aware of when you are not, allowing you to shift your focus.


Pay attention to your thoughts, words, and actions and adjust accordingly. As fear shows up, it will acknowledge it, feel it, and shift it to a more LOVING thought. The more you practice this, the easier it becomes.


Know what it is you want in your life. Sometimes the easiest way to know what we want is by knowing what we don’t want. When you catch yourself focusing on what you don’t want, shift it to a do want. Knowing your thoughts, words, and actions allows you to adjust if they do not serve your highest good.


Mostly, I ask you to remember that the importance isn’t who you are all the time but whom you show up as MOST of the time. While my top values are LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace, I am not them all the time. I am them most of the time because I choose to emulate what kind of world I want to live in.


Until next time, continue to believe in the life you yearn to live.


To be continued…
I LOVE you.


Reply here and let me know what you choose to create in your life. I would LOVE to hold that intention for you.




I continue to focus on LOVE, kindness, compassion, and peace.


Words to LOVE by:


Memories of our lives, of our works, and our deeds will continue in others. – Rosa Parks


Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out. – Benjamin Franklin


Sounds for Your Soul:

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